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Welcome to the Clubmodpics Newsletter

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Sunday, December 26th, 2004

This week's featured model is: Bianca

Click on the photo to go to her portfolio page.

It has been a while since our last newsletter - for this we apologise. The pre- Christmas season is always very busy with deadlines to be met and orders to fill, so the newletter had to take a backseat for awhile. The road ahead is now again clear so updates should be coming through more regularly. Many more shoots have been booked so it should be another busy year at the studio.


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No sooner have we completed the Polar Bears shoot for Seaword on the Gold Coast that we have been told we have to go back and do it all over again. The first shoot yeilded over 1000 images of bears Lia and Lutik. They have now been joined by twin boy bears Hudson and Nelson. Their names reflect the area in Canada that they come from. The shoot will probably span over 3 days as the last shoot did. The new bears are a lot smaller than the longer term residents and certainly a lot more playful.

It should be fun!


Happening this week at Clubmodpics .........

We have added a "Guest Photographers" page to the Clubmodpics web site. Any photograpers who have worked in the studio are welcome to send in some of their photographs to be added to a web page created for them. To visit this page click the photograph on the right.

As well as guest photographers we have been visited by some travelling models since our last newsletter. Elle from Perth (pictured) and also by Sydney model Angie. Both girls were able to find some additional work while in town from some of the photographers who frequent the studio. Any model visiting Brisbane is advised to tell us of your plans as soon as you have details and we will endeavour to find you some good paying work while you are here.

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wpeD.jpg (5390 bytes) The date has been set for our annual Christmas/New Year get together. We have decided on the weekend of January 15th and 16th. It will be at a beach location close to Brisbane with limited free accommodation available for those that have used the studio over the last twelve months. We will send out a detailed desciption of the venue and location map in the next couple of days.
Photographers - Please take note :

A photographic safari is being organized to Spain for early October next year.

The tour will be going to the central east coast of Spain where there is an abundance of ancient castles and fortifications, rugged coastlines and quaint Spanish villages. We will be spending a little over two weeks in the country visiting these sites but allowing enough time for photographers to persue their own projects.

It is expected the tour will cost around AUD $3000.00 including airfares, accommodation and ground transport on group outings (departures from Australia) Meals would be extra. The trip will have a maximum of ten travellers and all arrangements will be made via a regestered travel agent.


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Bell Tower - Guadalest - Spain

At this stage we are calling for genuine expressions of interest.

The Clubmodpics studio is now working very closely with a costume hire company that will be offering substantial discounts to photographers and models that may wish to photograph to a theme.

Over the next few newsletters we will showcase some of the costumes and associated products that are available for use. Some of the more popular items will be kept at the studio for use.

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Back Issues of this newsletter can be found HERE.


Don't forget, any of the models that are featured in this newsletter or on the Clubmodpics web site are available to work with  local photographers. Travel is also available if expenses are paid.  

For details or bookings Email us.

Contact Us At:

Studio: 48 Esher Street, Tarragindi, Australia 4121
Postal: PO Box 208, Holland Park, Australia 4121
Phone: +61 7 3394 1311  or  041 2222 712
Studio Site:

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