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Welcome to the Clubmodpics Newsletter

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Thursday, March 31st, 2005

This week's featured model is: Melanie

Click on the photo to go to her portfolio page.

Melanie is new to the Clubmodpics site having just moved to Brisbane from Darwin. Since our initial shoot she has been engaged by other photographers to help them persue their projects.


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One of our popular models have left us !!! Trina has left Brisbane and now is enjoying the tropical heat of North Queensland. Still keen to persue her modelling and dancing career, Trina is available to local photographers and agencies for further work. Any interested parties can Email us and we will be happy to pass the details on to her.



Happening this week at Clubmodpics .........

Some of our models were invited to attend a Make-Up Training Day at the studio recently.  The mini seminar was held by make-up artist Caroline Reibelt. The models were guided through various aspects of applying their own make-up and after the course were encouraged to make-over each other for practice. Their portfolios were then updated via a studio photo shoot focusing on their new look. Each attendee also took home a sample bag of products to help them get their own make-up kit started. These mini courses will be held regularly and any of the models or photographers that have been working in our studio are welcome to attend. The next course will be announced here via this newsletter.

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Professional Camera Equipment FOR SALE

One of our country photographers friends has recently updated his shooting gear and now needs to sell off some of the older gear. The equipement consist of 35mm Nikon Gear as well as medium format Bronica and Mamiya cameras.  I wont bore every one here with the details but ask that those interested follow this link to see the full list of equipement on offer.

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The girls have been busy with a few promotional modelling jobs of late. It is always nice to be called on to not only photograph these events but to also provide the promo girls as well. One of our latest assignments involved meeting the fleet of Game Fishing boats as they returned to harbour at the end of the day's competition. The fishing comp was held on Queensland's Sunshine Coast and was held over two days. The job of girls was to make sure all contestants were given food and drink and to ferry the paperwork from the skipper to the judge and umpire of the event. A few of the girls have never seen fish that big before and really enjoyed looking over the million dollar plus fishing boats. As the event was contested over two days we stayed on the Sunshine Coast for the duration and enjoyed the hospitality of our hosts in resort accommodation and with dinner at the end of day one. For those that are familiar with the area you will be pleased to know the steaks at the local surf club are still just as large and the Lambrusco just as cold! The organizers of the event - a boating and fishing magazine - were very happy with the way the girls conducted themselves during the event and have promised to book them again next year.


   Current Casting:

At the moment we are looking for a model to be the feature of a television commercial. The model will need to  look like she is in her mid twenties, have long (below the shoulders) dark to black hair and be able to project a fresh and confident persona. The television commercial will be shot on the Gold Coast and the model must be prepared to do a screen test from which both the producer and client will choose the girl they want for the actual shoot.  Email me if you wish to attend a screen test.


We at Clubmodpics are happy to support community groups whenever we can. We have just come back from  the town of Inverell in central New South Wales where we supported a local photographer (and junior soccer coach) in his endeavours to raise some money for the kids. The event was a big country spit roast dinner. A popular dance band was booked and invitations sent out. All money raised form this event went to help the boys in the junior soccer team  realize their dream of travelling to Germany next year to attend the Soccer World Cup.  The event raised about $3500.00

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The next event on our community calendar will be a charity fun run organized by a local Rotary Club to raise funds for medical research. Held on the 17th of April this year, the run (or walk) will take place in the grounds of Griffith University here in Brisbane. The run course is 11 km in length whereas the walking course is a nice easy 5 km stroll. More information on this event can be found by following   this link.    Come along and help us field a team!

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The following Models have joined Clubmodpics since our last newsletter.

Click on their photographs to be taken to their portfolios.

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Clubmodpics will be travelling to Sydney in early May. If any models or photographers would like to catch up with the team during this time and discuss work opprtunities Email us for more details.


Back Issues of this newsletter can be found HERE.


Don't forget, any of the models that are featured in this newsletter or on the Clubmodpics web site are available to work with  local photographers. Travel is also available if expenses are paid.  

For details or bookings Email us.

Contact Us At:

Studio: 48 Esher Street, Tarragindi, Australia 4121
Postal: PO Box 208, Holland Park, Australia 4121
Phone: +61 7 3394 1311  or  041 2222 712
Studio Site:

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