The Rotary Club of Sunnybank Hills Inc.

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Community Service

Community Service pertains to those activities which Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community. It frequently involves assistance to youth, the aged, handicapped, and others who look to Rotary as a source for hope for a better life.

The Blue Nurses, Red Cross and Salvation Army are community based organisations which help the sick and needy. We have assisted these organisations with their Annual Door Knock Appeals. In 1996-98 we sponsored a vehicle for the Blue Nurses to the value of $4800.00 to help deliver their services to the community

The Sunnybank branch of Red Cross based at QE2 Hospital has been further assisted by the donation of over toilet seats and wheel chairs for hire out to the community.

Sunnybank Hills members have graciously donated their time, skills and monies to Autism Queensland in the assistance of building works, playground equipment and cleanup working parties.

The Sunnybank Hills Family Support Group provides support to disadvantaged families within our area in form of shelter and food stuffs. Our club has in the past provided both financial assistance and working bee support to help maintain the associations administration and safe houses.

Park Improvements
Sunnybank Hills has sponsored the development of shade structures in local parks and reserves for children's playgounds to provide a safer and healthier environment for them. The club has also been assisted in some of these projects by the Brisbane City Council and the Stratco building company.

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Club Service

Club Service involves all of the activities necessary for Rotarians to perform to make their club function sucessfully, such as meeting arrangements, preparing the weekly club bulletin, and fellowship activites for club members.

Guest Speakers
Each week we have a guest speaker from various business and community service organisations or from with in our own club members. Each speaker generally talks for aproximately 15 minutes with some question time at the end.

Fellowship Activities
The club gets together at various functions throught the year which include, Xmas Parties, Camping Trips, Car Rallies, Theatre Nights, Picnics and Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner.

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner is a fun way of getting together. Once a month members nominate if they are attending the night. From a roster a host is selected from the group. On average you will be selected as a host every 3rd time. Then the host waits to see who is going to turn up for dinner as the name implies.

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International Service

International Service describes the many programs and activities which Rotarians undertake to advance goodwill, international understanding, and peace. World Community Service projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands.

Rotary Australia World Community Service
Over the years the club has been involved with the Helena Goldie Hospital at Munda in the Solomon Islands for the supply of medical equipment and donations. In May of 1998 a FAIM team of club members went to Munda on a working trip to build new rooms, install curtains, repair broken machinery, install and check the use of medical equipment and also to survey the grounds and surrounding area for other worthwhile projects to help this developing country.
report 1999

Donations in Kind
The Club assists DIK which sends out of date medical equipment or other useful items to 3rd world countries. Equipment is stored at a local disused warehouse where shipping containers are packed for distribution all over the world. The club also assists in the raising of funds necessary to ship the containers.

Sister Club
Sister club affilliations have been formed with the Rotary Club of Nishinomiya Shukugawa of Japan. In 1995 we hosted the sister club of Nishinomiya Shukugawa on their friendship tour of Australia.

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Vocational Service

Vocational Service is a description of the opportunity each Rotarian has to represent the dignity and utility of one’s vocation to other members of the club.

Pride of Workmanship Awards

Each year members of the business community are encouraged to nominate employees who have shown outstanding skills in their field and clearly take pride in what they do. Nominees are interviewed by members of the club and the successfull people are presented with a Pride of Workmanship Award.

Business Award
Each year within our area, local businesses are nominated for the Business Award which recognises outstanding business performance. Several interviews are conducted with the nominated businesses and a winner is selected for the year.

Site Visits
Each year we try to have at least 2 visits to local businesses and have a tour through their premises. This is done to see real life operations of other businesses, in the hope that we can continue to learn how to improve our own business through these contacts.

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New Generations

Youth Exchange Program

The club has hosted and sent forth Youth Exchange students all over the world.

South Africa
Argentina       Norway
South Africa

Inbound students are hosted by 4 club member's families, so that the student stays with each family for approximately 3 months. During their stay in Australia the student can participate in a variety of excursions (safaris) with other exchange students from all over the world that can take them to The Outback (Central Australia), The Top End (northern Queensland and Northern Teritory) as well as Sydney and Melbourne. They may also visit the Great Barrier Reef on one of the excursions. As well as this many host families will take the student on trips to local scenic areas and tourist destinations.

Australia-New Zealand Matched Student Exchange
1998 has been the first year that the club has been involved in this program. The exchange allows 2 students to live with each others families for a period of 3 months each. This is another fine example of Rotary Internationals initiative with our youth. Rotary is used as the organisational body which allows this program to exist.

South Passage Voyage-Tall Ships Adventure
In 1998 we sent our first under-priviledge student on the Tall Ships Adventure. The program has been developed to increase leadership and team member participation.

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards have been operating in district 9630 from the early 70's. The RYLA concept was developed in Australia and adopted by Rotary International shortly after. Sunnybank Hills Rotary Club has been sending participants to RYLA since its formation. In previous years we have had more than one person to fill the vacancy and have asked other clubs to assist if they have not been able to find a suitable person for themselves. RYLA is a week long camp held at Camp Leslie outside Warwick. Participants learn leadership, team, and personal development skills. They are encouraged to set goals and follow them through. It has been said that a RYLA graduate stands out above others at job interviews and meetings. RYLA is a development program for the leaders of tomorrow.